Project information for cost analysis
1. 1. Building type
CI/Sfb classification will be given and restriced to the Built environment classificationtaken from table 0
2. 2. BCIS code
The BCIS reference code classification buildings by the formof information, number of storey’s and gross internal floor area in squaremeters.
The different construction classes are.
· Steel framed construction
· Reinforced concrete framed construction
· Brick construction
· Light framed steel construction
A single-story building of 766 square metres of grossinternal floor area and built in traditional construction would have thefollowing BCIS code.
3. 3. Client
Indication should be given of type of client, eg boroughcouncil, church authority, owner occupier, government department, propertycompany, etc.
4. 4. Location
The location of the project should be given, noting the cityor the country borough or alternatively the borough and the country, egBristol, or Richmond, Surrey. The location may be reported less precisely ifthe client so desires.
5. 5. Tender date
Date fixed for receipt of tenders.
The date of tender ie 10 days before date of receipt.
6. 6. Brief description of total project.
Brief description of the building being analyesed and of thetotal project of which it forms part.
Any special or unusual feasures affecting the overall cost not atherwise shown or detailed in theanalysis.
7. 7. Site conditions
· Site conditions with regard to access, proximityof other buildings and construction difficulties related to topographical or climateconditions.
· Site conditions prior to building, eg woodland,exting building, ect.
8. 8. Market conditions
Short report ontenders indicating the level of tendering, local conditions with regard toavailability of labour and materials, keenness and competition.
9. 9. Contract particulars of totalo project
a. Type of contract, eg JCT (with or withoutquantities ), GC/Wks/I,ect.
b. Bills of quatities, bills of approximatequantities, schedule of rates.
c. Open or selected competition, negotiated, serialor contituation or both.
d. Number o contractors to which tender documentssent.
e. Number of tenders received.
f. Firm price or if fluctuating whether for labouror materials or both.
g. Contract periods: (i) stipulated by client;
(ii) quoted by builder.
10. 10. Tender list
a. List oftenders received in descending value order.
b. Indicate whether tenders were from localbuilders (L) or builders acting on a national scale (N)