Alphaville House by Faleiro Guerra Arquitetura

Faleiro Guerra Arquitetura have designed Alphaville House in Brazil.

Project description: Rich in details. Sofisticated architecture. Imponent with its geometric shapes and pure cosiness, due to its serene atmosphere. That is the definition for this residency idealized by the Faleiro Guerra Arquitetura office.
Another quality that could describe this design succinctly is its contemporary character. According to the architects Patrícia Guerra e Roziane Faleiro, “the strength of the Project lays on the appreciation of the contemporary architecture, with bold traits and accurate design”.

In fact, that can be clearly noticed right at the entrance of the house. The combination of different shapes values the facade. The portico with double height emphasizes the entry way and makes evident the nuances used all over the house, in the outside as well as in the inside. “The light color is a solution that values the straight lines of the design”, explain the specialists.

Not only has the architecture states the modern tone of this house, but also a principle that Faleiro Guerra applies to all projects: the concern about sustainability. “The underground reservatory built under the garage is destined to the rain water storage. In that way, the family can reuse this water in the garden and toilet. This is how we managed to give our contribution to helping the environment”, points out Patrícia.

The connection with nature also shows the sustainable character of the architecture company. “We divided the house and placed a fruit tree in the central patio. The tree can be seen from all internal angles of the house. This is meant to set a pleasant ambience all around”, explains Roziane. Speaking of feeling, this solution also favours the cross ventilation and lightining inside the property.

The landscape is another aspect that makes this house a very special construction. The Lagoa dos Ingleses gives a magic tone to the place. The amazing view was the reason for the architects` decision on positioning the pool and leisure área in front of the land. “The feeling is that the house is an extention of the lake, as if both were mixed, creating an unique and oustanting scenery”, vibrate Patrícia e Roziane.

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via contemporist