Better grade of concretewith lower w/c ratio and well compacted.
A polymeric coating isapplied to the concrete member to keep out aggressive agents. A polymeric coatingis applied to the reinforcing bars to protect them from moisture and aggressiveagents.
Fly Ash – Using a Fly Ash concrete with very lowpermeability, which will delay the arrival of carbonation and chlorides at thelevel of the steel reinforcement. Fly Ash is a finely divided silica rich powderthat, in itself, gives no benefit when added to a concrete mixture, unless itcan react with the calcium hydroxide formed in the first few days of hydration.Together they form a calcium silica hydrate (CSH) compound that over timeeffectively reduces concrete diffusivity to oxygen, carbon dioxide, water andchloride ions.
Modified quality of steelreinforcement which are less susceptible to corrosion such as special grade ofstainless steel, CRS (Corrosion Resistant Steel),TMT steel etc.
Pre-applied impermeablecoating (Epoxy, CECRI & CBRI coating)
Stainless steel or claddedstainless steel is used in lieu of conventional black bars
Admixtures (Nitrites andNitrates) for concreting, which are to be added in the green concrete.
Electrochemical injectionof the organic base corrosion inhibitors, ethanolamine and guanidine, intocarbonated concrete.
Other inorganicinhibitors, which are known to be migratory in nature. The migration process is diffusion through waterand diffusion through vapour phase.
Structural design aspectsof corrosion control involve factors such as configurational (geometrical) considerationsthat minimize or, if possible, eliminate exposure to corrosives