Author name: constructionfield

Roof Waterproofing

Waterproofing  of Roof  be it concrete, metal decks, timber, etc. has always been a challenge to the construction industry. With the increased complexity of structures and the complex nature of utilization of this roofs, terraces or podiums

Tender Procedure

This system comprises standard letters of invitation,stated procedure for bidding, simultaneous notice to bidders, minuted pre tender meetings, controlled points of interaction between company and bidders, defined scope of works,

Selective Tendering

All the construction firm and the construction deportment are main taint a resister of selective contractors. The a bore firm and the deportments wants to do a good job in there construction work then they select name of boor 7 contractors from the register whom be consider suitable for the work.

What is contract?

What is contract? The contract is an agreement between the owner and the contractor as to how much the owner will pay to house that contractor to build the project.Introduction An engineering contract is a formal agreement enforceable at low between parties. There by each accept certain responsibilities and receive certain benefits. Failure in any …

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Open Tendering

An open tendering process is an invitation to tender by public advertisement. All interested contractors/suppliers are free to submit their   tenders. Notice of tender invitations are published in the Government Gazette and, if necessary, in the local press, on the Internet and in selected overseas journals for the particular trade/product.

Roofing: Natural Lighting

Roofing: Natural Lighting Daylight Design Daylight is a vital natural resource that will significantly improve the environment within any building. Rooflights provide three times more light than the same area of vertical glazing. They can also provide a much more even distribution of light, particularly in larger structures. Where vertical glazing exists, the effective area …

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